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Donate Now!

Click the donate button to give 100% of your donation directly to my project. Thank you for your support!

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Make a Charitable Donation!

You can give a tax-deductible gift at the University of Central Florida Foundation that will go right to my research!! (minus 5% that goes to the UCF Foundation)

Please select "Bottlenose Dolphin Research Project" project from the drop down list of options on the website.


My work is ultimately aimed at marine mammal conservation so that people can appreciate and experience them for generations to come.


Would you like to help the cause?


You can donate directly and be secure in the knowledge that your gift will be used directly towards dolphin research. I appreciate your support!!

Donate Directly to Research


Currently, donations will support my bottlenose dolphin dissertation research in Pensacola Bay, Florida. Any funding we receive will go towards the following costs:

  • Boat rentals which are ~$400/month

  • Boat gas which is $100-$200 for each day on the water

  • Upcoming genetic analyses will range from $10,000-$15,000 


 Every little bit helps!!


There are two ways to donate:


(1) To make a donation directly to the current project, click on the "Donate Now!" paypal button. 


(2) **If you require a tax-deduction for your donation, you can click on the link for "University of Central Florida Foundation". Once on that page, under "Donation Information" enter the amount you would like to donate then MAKE SURE TO SELECT "BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN RESEARCH PROJECT" from the "Designation" drop down menu (if you don't do this, you will be donating to another group).


**Please note that 5% of any donation through the university will go towards the UCF Foundation, so if you don't require a tax-exempt donation, please consider the paypal method. Thank you!

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