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Something new, something fun... I think

With social media at the forefront of communication these days, I decided to design a website. I hope to use this site not only as a place for others to come learn more about what I do and the research that engage in as I go, but also as a place to gather and post important information in science, marine biology, conservation and of course, my passion, marine mammal science. Sure, Facebook is the leader in broadcasting information to the masses but a post quickly gets lost in the sea of silly cat pictures, comics and “Facebook Friday” distractions. The site is a work in progress but over time I hope that it offers many useful resources.

Did you know…?

Social media tools are becoming more and more commonly used in science. Scientists are turning to sites like Linked In and Research Gate to post their recent scientific accomplishments and open discussion boards for easy communication with a large audience. Announcing one’s successes in attending in a conference, getting a grant, or publishing a paper on a site like Facebook or Twitter, can actually function to communicate these results and information to an audience beyond the scientific community. Of course, we must always be careful what and how we post, because no matter what, science or otherwise, information can always be misinterpreted and misused. And like anything on the web, we must always approach information we see on the internet with caution. Nonetheless, these outlets offer the potential to extend science and education to an audience that may otherwise be left in the dark!

For more info on science and social media, check out this article

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