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Conference Fundraiser

I have an amazing opportunity to present the beginning of my doctoral research at an international conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in New Zealand in December! My poster presentation is titled: Preliminary abundance, distribution and site-fidelity patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Pensacola Bay, Florida.

On November 23, 2013, I am running my first 10k to help raise travel support to attend this conference. I have accumulated about half the costs I need to make the trip so far and am continuing to apply for other sources of funding support as I come across them. However, every little bit helps and I hope to raise at least a little bit of money that can be used towards expenses that I can't find elsewhere. Plus, I've never been to New Zealand before and I hear there are some amazing sites to see and explore if I have the opportunity!

I'm not a runner, so a 10k will be quite a challenge! I started a 10k training program a few weeks ago and I'm up to about a 5k now (although I am very slow). Just a few weeks left before the big race. So if you can offer any support at all, even a few dollars, a little will make a big difference. If you can't contribute, you can help me get the word out by re-emailing and posting to your Facebook.

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